Information has always equaled power. And while the dictum of
information as the “new oil”, too, is neither particularly new nor
undisputed, the importance of data – and algorithms – as a driver of
innovation and value creation, contested strategic resource and force of
societal disruption continues to grow. CF21 aims to dissect the
complex realities of today’s information geopolitics and their
implications for Europe from an economic, security, and – above all –
democracy standpoint: How should Europe respond to the global nature of
these challenges? What media policy and regulation are required to
sustain principles such as freedom of information, opinion and
expression or privacy? Finally, how can we foster democratic, inclusive
European Public Spaces in the new political economy of information?
These questions are the focus of this year’s Cologne Futures to which we would like to cordially invite you today.
the special occasion of its 10th edition, the Cologne Futures will take
place in Strasbourg, France, in cooperation with ARTE, the European
Cultural Foundation, the Biennale Européenne de la Créativité, and WDR.
Entitled “The New Political Economy of Information”, the conference will
investigate the role of information and media power in 21st-century geopolitics. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, Ingrid Brodnig, Amanda Lotz, Wolfgang Blau and many others have confirmed their participation (agenda below).
The conference is held in a hybrid format, live from HEAR Strasbourg. We are very much looking forward to meeting you at CF21!
Join the discussion by
– registering here for online participation via ZOOM;
– or, if you would like to attend in person at HEAR Strasbourg, by sending an email to info@institut-medienpolitik.de.
For further questions please contact us at info@institut-medienpolitik.de
Conference venue:
HEAR Haute école des arts du Rhin
Rue de l’Académie
67000 Strasbourg